Thursday, September 30, 2010


today i made 5 seens for our movie that we have to animate. kc was in charge of the character drawings so i got to draw the seenery or something like that. it took forever and i cant wait to play the yoda video game online.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

iron man 2 video game

well i got a new video game it is called iron man 2. it is a lot of fun i have unlocked this wepon actually its the rockets on his shouders they rock. i can walk into a room and kill all the terrorists and not even scratch the civilians. the unibeam that i bought is so powerful i can blast anyone away with one shot. it rocks.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

lego movie

these few days now we have been making lego movies it is so much fun. i brought some of my old star wars legos and we have been making lego movies with them for a while. we are doing droids vs. clones and jedi it is a lot of fun. now i am going to play online games so whatever.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


cpc is this new zombie game i found on line i am going to play it as soon as i am done. i cant wait i had to restart it because i did something wrong. so now i am going to play it bye.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I cant wait till this week end i get to go to my dads house. i get to shoot my new gun my dad got a few weeks ago. it is a gsg 22 rifle i love it ist is so much fun to shoot. i also like to shot my bolt action 22 long rifle it is very accurate i like shooting cans with it.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I found this new game sight it is totally awesome it is called it has all the games prehacked so you have infine amount of lots of things. I cant wait to find all the things you can do on this sight. right now i am playing stick wars so i guess i am done here. whatever!!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010


i want to see infamious its an awesome video game but i hope an even awesomer movie. i want to see it. the video games was sweet i love it. you get to run around and shock people with your hands and electricity gernades